Dr. HDR Simona Niculescu
Holder of a doctorate (2002, Paris-Sorbonne) and an HDR (i.e. a French degree mandatory to supervise PhD students, 2015, Paris-SorbonneSummary of relevant skills and experience
Holder of a doctorate (2002, Paris-Sorbonne) and an HDR (i.e. a French degree mandatory to supervise PhD students, 2015, Paris-Sorbonne) on remote sensing and the management of risks and sustainable development of European coastal zones, Dr. Simona Niculescu is Professor-Researcher at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale since 2004. Before 2004 Simona Niculescu began his academic career in Romania at the University of Al. I Cuza of Lasi.
She teaches and leads research including remote sensing, Master (direction of research dissertations) and PhD (five thesis directions in progress). Her research focuses on remote sensing in coastal environments and the sea with the latest European satellite data on land cover/use changes in coastal zones, coastal risk management, biodiversity and sustainable development of coastal areas. Manager of many research projects in remote sensing and coastal zones (in France, Romania, Algeria and Viet-Nam): Fondation de France, CNES (Tosca) project, Hubert Curien projects).